Having a chaotic week, we farewelled our friends off to America on the weekend, which was a sad time. My daughter has her dancing exam on the weekend so has dancing four nights this week. The spare evening yesterday was spent taking the dogs to the vet for their annual injections.
Meanwhile I have applied for a government position, which entailed a lengthy written application, so have been up to the wee hours for the past two nights preparing it. A nine day fortnight would be great.
Have fitted in some knitting , mainly on the train, the Inca made it straight into the needles and I have just about completed the back of a jumper for my husband and started on a sleeve (the back became to heavy and awkward for the train). I'm having a love affair with wool alpaca blends I think.
There is an alpaca farm up the road, may have enquire about fleece
when I get round to spinning.