Hoodie was finished on Thursday and posted Friday, what should have been simple turned out to be a bit of a pain, I think doing the bottom in the round just complicated matters for myself instead of expediating it. Did not block it being acrylic, still not good at doing that I admit. Gave it a quick steam with the iron as the bottom edge was rolling, fixed that problem but don't know if it had an adverse affect on the fabric, it was a lot softer but also a bit droopy. This is what I get for rushing to an overdue deadline.
Started finishing off a cardigan that was in the things I got from my friend's mum. It just needed rib border done on one side of the front, originally had button holes, but I did another as for my Mum's friend who I will send it to, she tried it on when she visited and did not want buttons. Then just used the stitches from the top of each border and picked along the neckline and did about 10 rows of rib for the neck. I have no idea what the neck should have been like with no pattern as a guide, this was all I could easily think to do. So now will sew border (don't know how) to main body on each side of the front and that can get posted tomorrow too.
Will try not pick up anything else, or if I do make sure some thing simple which I can put back down. Have leave but so many things to catch up on. The dogs have been ripping holes in the chainwire fence to go and chase stray dogs or rabbits. So have to painstakingly wire the fence down to the pipe on the bottom at every chain, so they hopefully can't get a grip on it to pull on and crush it, think I've spend about 6 hours on it so far if not more and only about half way and the back is not happy about all the bending over. Then there's their night yard that doesn't have a pipe along the bottom only thick wire, which is just about destroyed, so it maybe a case of the leftover colourbond from the roof around that bit to stop them getting out. The other day they skinned the end of Mum's 19 year old cat's tail, which had to be cut off , fortunately she is still fit as a fiddle and came through the op fine, but it's a worry. And it's not like they don't have space they've got about a quarter of an acre to run in.
The house & car are a mess, with all the rain. Had our Schipperke specialty show today, so yesterday was cooking for lunch (after spending hours on the fence), we all take a plate and share after the presentation. I am trophy steward so Friday was wrapping all the prizes. Still wanting to catch up with a few friends all in different places of course. As well as try and cook up some casseroles and soups and freeze them to make life a bit easier when I go back to work. Need to have some xrays of my hips as they have been sore for a long time. And meant to be sewing a jacket for my daughter. And I was kinda thinking I might want to relax a bit and not have to run around all over the place - yeah right.
Oh well prioritise I think is the word