Things have been hectic around here again. Dad fell over again and ended up back in hospital.They discovered pneumonia again and a small fracture between no. L2 & L3 in his lower back. The fracture was not serious but very painful. Thinks it's been 3 or 4 weeks now, time has become a blur. Last time I had time off , but have worked as well as trying to get in as many visits as possible. Mum and DD went to New Zealand for 6 days and I had to look after Mum's animals and try and keep the gardens alive in the dreadful dry heat. We also organised a new (well nearly) car for DH as the old ute was about to drop the gearbox all over the road. Unfortunately we got well and truly screwed with the finance. Can you believe some companies charge you $10.00 to make a loan repayment. There has been some definite breaches of the trade practices act by the finance broker and I am in the frame of mind to do something about it.
On a happy note DH is getting a puppy on the weekend. I have finished the shawl back shawl, it's a bit stiff even after blocking. Finished a pair of baby slippers and working on another which need to be completed by the 23rd. I have also made progress on the baby blanket. Pics next time