Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Sleepy Bears & Lots of Back Stitch

Humphhh, just about finished this post and Chrome Crashed. So much for autosave.

Now what did I say....

Oh yes was saying had started this x stitch years ago probably just before the knitting bug really hit. Pulled it out this time last year as my BF had her baby, think I persevered with it but got bored and knitting took over. Pulled out again last week as little Lauren's birthday party on the 12th Feb, and who knows might get it done , gives me something to work to. Was getting put off by the amount of back stitch so thought I would get a start on it and do what I had completed in x stitch so far. Guess What? I'm enjoying the back stitch more than the x stitches, faster and have really bought the piece to life. I have bears instead of blobs.

Oh yes, Happy Australia Day, I've been a party pooper, too hot, got to 40c here today. Perfect excuse to stay inside and stitch

Friday, 21 January 2011

A bit of time off

Have a 4 and half day weekend and then only have to go back to work for 1 day then a week and half off. Most of it will be getting DD organised for this year. She did quite well in her School Certificate but is determine not to go back and do her HSC at school.

The original plan was to go to TAFE and do a Certificate in massage and then go on to do the Diploma. She is on standby for the massage course so we had to look at other options in case she doesn't get in. So yesterday we went and saw the TAFE counsellor.
There is no issue with doing the HSC at TAFE and the counsellor also suggested that she do a Business Admin course in medical so she could look at doing reception at a physio practice or the like, she has 18 months to fill in if she goes straight into applying for the diploma Massage Course. Now it's just getting her a part-time job.

Shur'tugal Socks completed on the 19th. I like them but have made a promise to myself any more sock yarn purchases will be in solid colours. the last few pairs of socks I have made have been quite heavily patterned and it's been getting lost in the colour variations. Have to work from stash so will have to try and deal with at the moment. Unfortunately they are not as bright blue as in picture.

Dugald had eye surgery to remove extra eyelashes and fix some entropion has recovered well but has lost pigment on his eyelids where they froze the eyelashes off, so now he looks like he has got sore eyes when he doesn't...hmmmm.

Getting back to the sleepy bears cross, the little girl it's for has her 1st birthday party in two and half weeks, not sure I'll make it though.

Probably won't knit until till next sock in the Super Special Six Pattern Sock Club 2011

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Keep Meaning to

Post that is.... had a quiet Christmas. Snow Hats arrived safely in UK and are being appreciated in the weather.

Went up to Patonga on New Years Eve and met DD's god parents for lunch, very hot but would have been worse here, nice shady picnic area to sit in. DH's Mum's family had a house there until about 8 years ago when it was sold after both grandparents passed away, considered it his true home and still upset by it's lose. His great Grandfather bought land when it was first released.

Damaste Socks completed in time to give to my niece, ended up being in unknown black acrylic as the Elle DK Gold was a bit thick.

Have finished sock 1 of Shur'tugal just now for S62011