Humphhh, just about finished this post and Chrome Crashed. So much for autosave.
Now what did I say....
Oh yes was saying had started this x stitch years ago probably just before the knitting bug really hit. Pulled it out this time last year as my BF had her baby, think I persevered with it but got bored and knitting took over. Pulled out again last week as little Lauren's birthday party on the 12th Feb, and who knows might get it done , gives me something to work to. Was getting put off by the amount of back stitch so thought I would get a start on it and do what I had completed in x stitch so far. Guess What? I'm enjoying the back stitch more than the x stitches, faster and have really bought the piece to life. I have bears instead of blobs.
Oh yes, Happy Australia Day, I've been a party pooper, too hot, got to 40c here today. Perfect excuse to stay inside and stitch