Scarf in Moda Vera Catalina
So this is the crochet and knitting I've completed to since last post.
But things have been anything but normal. My MIL got a staph infection some how in her blood went into her spinal cord. long story very short she spent about 9 weeks in ICU and is now a paraplegic just started undertaking intense rehab. Then in my brother's wife died suddenly of a heart attack, both diabetes sufferers. Hubby's job didn't last as they couldn't afford to pay him. He has some work to complete from home so some income is still there, and he will have to do some work for the people he just left as they still have the work to be done, just probably under his ABN.
Weather here has been hot and windy everything getting bone dry , we were within 10 klms of 3 bush fires the other week, we haven't been able to burn off as was too wet then too windy and now too hot and windy. Not a good way to head into a long hot summer.
Just applied for a job in another area , applied 2 years ago got on the merit list and have been getting emails to see if still interested but all amounted to naught, so back where I started, who knows , not holding my breathe.