Sunday 16 October 2011

Finishing UFO

I have decided to concentrate on some UFO. A baby blanket which I've now decided to do as a cushion , the throw I found more yarn for. Then i'll see how I go from there. Do have another throw in the works but it can be long term, for when we eventually repaint and get a new lounge. I did pick up a bargain at Lincraft last weekend, some silk Plus for $2.24 per ball and last year's run which seems much nicer than the current stuff. 10 balls in a pack just waiting for the Burnham Wood Capelet

1 comment:

My Five Sons said...

Hello,no I didnt see the Tbird come through here,maybe they went direct through to Coolgardie and bypassed kalgoorlie!
PS I love your finches,Firefinches?