Sunday, 29 April 2007


Completed two scarves, one each for my daughter's Godmothers for Mother's Day.The first is in Moda Dea Wild , very soft and stretchy, unfortunately the colour does not show up well in the photo, in real life the greens are prodominent, very deep & rich emerald. The second Panda Rumba , a mohair blend , not so soft but I love the autumnal colours, should go well with red hair

Wednesday, 25 April 2007


Finished a sock - well just about

Stayed up last night till after 1am determined to finish one of my Shazza's socks. Grafted the toe, but wasn't happy with it. So have unpicked it. But here it is above.

And here are the promised pictures from my first post.

Helmet & Booties from Paragon Knitting Book no. 31. I find the intructions in these old books easier to follow and the patterns more practicle.

My first socks, cheap 8ply acrylic on 5 3.25mm dpn. pattern from
My daughter is using them as bed socks.

Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Knitting on the Train

It's great how knitting can break the ice. Quite often ladies will ask about what I'm doing and share some of their knitting experiences. Or it just may be a warm smile.

I've deliberately sat next to a lady who was knitting a sock (when I was still procrastinating) and grilled her about the procedure. If not for knitting I would never have spoken to her. Hope she didn't mind the interruption - I don't think so .

Tuesday, 17 April 2007

First Post


I have caught the Blog Bug whilst experiencing a period of non employment.
Reading numerous knitting blogs to pass the time, learn new things, keep my mind off the situation and avoid the temptation of expanding my stash therapy. Love all the hand dyed yarn out there.

I have recently finished my 1st pair of socks on 5dpns, and can't wait to try other methods. I procrastinated over attempting socks for about 12 months, don't know why now. I am also working on a couple of scarves from yarn in my stash.
Other than that recent projects have been baby shoes & a bonnet. Pics to follow.

I would really like to try spinning and yarn dyeing. I have my Mum's old dutch wheel decorating my loungeroom and Mum next door, so just need to make time. There are a couple skeins of natural coloured wool in my stash that Mum spun about 20 years ago, I think I hear calling out for colour.

I have managed to get a 3 month temporary role, so hopefully now can concentrate better on more knitting projects, even though I will have less time.