Wednesday, 25 April 2007


1 comment:

Figtree Handspinners & Weavers said...

And howdy to you too Miss Nibbler! Your blog looks cool so you must have a bit of tech-savvy up your sleeve. Mine however looks quite lame and that is because "I know nothink!" (imagine Colonel Klink saying that part) about these damn computers. Thank goodness Blogger helps so much in actually setting up the blog. (I must also thank Donna from Random Knits). Yeah, I work part time at Tapestry Craft in the city. I used to work in the knitting section a couple of days per week, but then had my second bubba and wanted to stay at home with her. Her name is Eleanor, and she is now nearly one. Harriet is my eldest and just turned three. I work at TC about once a fortnight on a Saturday as a knitting teacher now. We are moving to Wollongong soon so I may give it up all together, but we'll see. I like it too much! I wont bore you too much more now, but thanks for contacting me about our 'newbie' blogs.... Cheers Miss Nibble.