Sunday, 13 May 2007

Bad Fairy Godmother

I've been bad , missed my Godson's birthday. Didn't forget just got my dates mixed up thinking it was next week. (should check the birthday book when I think of it). It was last Friday, fortunately he is only 3 and in Melbourne, so it wasn' like he was expecting me to come over or anything. One of my planned beanies was for him and planned to start this weekend. I have to work in acrylic as his father has an allergy to wool. Had a nice soft 14 ply in the stash, so got started yesteday and kept going till finished, despite my body complaining of viral aches & pains.
Thank goodness for Ibropofen..........but it's huge , fits my husband's 60cm head with ease and he said it looked like teacosy:-/ Well I will expect him to wear, it will be lovely and warm. Pic won't upload.

Thinking fingerless mitts

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.