Tuesday, 19 June 2007

A Bit Cynical

Good news of the fine front , have to supply a copy of a bill showing I was living here in February. They sent the Jury duty notice to my old address which I changed with the electoral office about 18 months ago. Nice to know they use up to date information for these things. But I suppose it keeps people in jobs sending out these fines and taking all the calls.

My interview went well today , but as I feared I would probably love the job, but the wage is what I earned ten years ago, and would make things a real struggle , definitely no money for yarn... Humpf. Find out tomorrow if I get an offer.

Have to start attempting to crochet a bun cover , my daughter has exam class for dancing in August and too much hair for a bought bun cover. Does anyone know a good simple pattern?
Found this http://www.jpfun.com/patterns/09scrunchies/buncover.shtml, thought bigger yarn and hook might make bigger size, seems logical to me. Can only but try.

Thanks Mandie for you comment on my last post , it is appreciated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great news about the fine, thank goodness!