Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Time Flys

Gee - 9 days since my last post. So here's a bit of an update:

Knitting - have ripped the baby hat I was attempting about six times,I gave round needles a go, nup no good , steel dpns nup too long and only a set of 4(I work my socks on 5 10cm bamboo dpns, 20cm was too awkward ). Swapped to a pattern with less stitches and 5 bamboo 15cm dpns( smoothed over with an emery board) and I'm getting somewhere. Have used 3.25mm think I would have better with 3mm but have discovered the Chinese sets from Ebay don't include 3mm, not impressed. There are ladders I'm not happy with, but I have a plan to hopefully cover them up. I think I have been generally distracted and not having much luck with my projects.

Job Hunting - made it to telephone interview stage with my last application, I find out next week whether I get to turn up to the assessment centre. Hopefully that's the last stage. I made a general application through a campaign for finance jobs in the Public Service and have been advised it has been passed onto for some departments to have a look at.

Dogs - our Schipperke Club held their spring specialty show last Sunday, I had to prepare all the prizes being trophy steward, it was a good day, enjoyed by all I think. Even my Jiminy was happy to be shown and examined by the judge this time out, she was a very nice lady though. Elliot came along for the outing and as per usual made lots of new friends, the possessive and territorial Jiminy was not impressed.

That's about it for now, back to the Baby Hat - I will not be beaten by it.

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