Saturday, 31 May 2008


Finally finished object, yes my Dad's Ince jumper is finally complete , no without having to get a remedial massage though, went all out this week to do the front and think the weight of the jumper really did my shoulders in. At 88 hope my Dad's up to putting it on. My husband finally wore his Inca jumper last night, think he likes my Dad's better as it's more clingy so doesn't feel as heavy, he said his feels likes it's stretching, Inca is very heavy. Oh well, he just have to deal with it, his jumper would be much too big for Dad so there's no swap going to happen. So a tip if you're thinking of knitting an Inca jumper , go for the ribber type. I went a looser fit for my husband as not to accentuate the belly , but the slip stitch rib doesn't look bad on him even with the stretcher finish. No more Inca jumper's for a while even if I do come across for $1 a ball again. Have started a sock in Moda Dea Socks yarn to see how it knits up, it is finer than I've done before, band says 3mm don't have any DPNs that size so going with 2.75mm which I think will be better anyway. Going to do do a fancy rib , have decided yet which. I was going to try toe ups or two at once on circs but looked at the instructions and decided I didn't really want to think that much at the moment, so sticking with the so far tried and true top down. Pics soon , just thought I'd drop a line before June.

Busy getting ready for the Schipperke Specialty Show tomorrow , I have the job of getting all the prizes together and putting ribbons and labels on. Must Go

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