Saturday, 31 December 2011
2011 comes to close
So we've had heaps of rain and now beautiful sunny weather not too hot, but enough to be inudated with ripening beans, tomatoes, lettuce, spring onions and capsicums to name a few. Flowers blooming everywhere, baby birds chirping in their nests.
Had a quiet but nice Christmas, followed by visits from a cousin from the UK and my brother up from Wodonga.
My capelet coming along nicely although a bit of frogging has been done. Now up to pleats and only another 160 stitches to increase by to a total of 463.
Wishing everyone a great 2012, especially those who been faced with loss and adversity in 2011, may your path be smoother and worries less
Saturday, 17 December 2011
Started the Burnham Wood Capelet to try and improve my concentration. As my attention/retention span seems to be about five seconds at the moment.Having to read some of the instructions about 20 times but feel like I'm grasping it now.Too much on my mind I think.
Worrying about Christmas and what to do with limited funds and first without Dad.Refuse to go into further debt. Anyway Mum is shouting us to Christmas lunch at a restaurant for something different.Pretty much figured out presents for less closer family. A couple of little things for Mum. DD for who is officially unemployed now gets a clutch for her car,standard response to any other requests is now "get a job".
She is doing very well at her dancing and is training to be a teacher but that is a few years yet and will need something to support herself. I think it's important socially as well. Anyway she saw the TAFE careers advisor for help with her resume and found out the TAFE employ people as reader writer for those not capable themselves. She did this at school so has experience. Have also applied at work for an 18 month position, flex I time so she could fit in dancing. But this will also take time to see if she gets to the next stage, so something casual over the holidays would definitely help.
Keep feeling I've got a million things to do and don't know where to start. So back to making a list and ticking things off slowly Work is crazy before Christmas, worse than full moon, oh well only 4 and a half more days of it, then shutdown till the New Year.
Thursday, 17 November 2011
Holed up at home with a virus. Have had a sore throat since Sunday, the aches and pains have gone, but very tired still, back to doctor today as certificate ran out yesterday.
Perfect knitting weather and I can't seem to stick with it. Only 2/3 of another cushion side done in 2 days
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
A Corner
So I decided on a cushion with rectangular sides. Being one who hates sewing things up had to figure a way to do the corners. On the first side I picked up the stitches and when it came to connecting to the other piece I picked up the stitches on the second piece at the same time as knitting a row effectively knitting them together then cast off. Second side picked up stitches again and when got the corner picked up a stitch from the existing side to join them. From then on when reaching the corner I slipped the last stitch and picked up again on the existing side and slipped the slipped stitch over it and wallah a corner all connected. Not bad for a day when my attention span seemed to last about 5 seconds. Eg. Went into town to the library, left the library card at home came back to get, went into the library and had left the card in the car. Sure my Mum must think I'm losing the plot sometimes.
Been pretty stressed about my car, which has cost quite a bit lately. Is 7 years old but not yet 100k on the clock and been serviced regularly to avoid the very situation we've just had to endure. Three times back to the dealer to find the issues,in the end with the service manager looking after it personally. With instructions not to give it back till it was right, still things we had to do that should have been done by them. Stuff that I had brought up years ago that probably could have been fixed under warranty,and now I've had to pay for, not impressed .
Been pretty stressed about my car, which has cost quite a bit lately. Is 7 years old but not yet 100k on the clock and been serviced regularly to avoid the very situation we've just had to endure. Three times back to the dealer to find the issues,in the end with the service manager looking after it personally. With instructions not to give it back till it was right, still things we had to do that should have been done by them. Stuff that I had brought up years ago that probably could have been fixed under warranty,and now I've had to pay for, not impressed .
Saturday, 12 November 2011

This was to be a baby blanket, but I lost my way and didn't do the squares in the exact order required so Frogged back to a small square and did another with the aim to make a cushion

A Box of squares and hats ready to go to South Africa, just need to raise the funds for postage
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
Cooking Creativity
My Chocolate Rose Mousse Cake. Gluten Free. Cake Base with layer of Rose Mousse and the Chocolate Mousse. Alot of work but pretty awesome, even if I say so myself. Oh and sugar frosted rose petals to top if off.
Sunday, 16 October 2011
Finishing UFO
I have decided to concentrate on some UFO. A baby blanket which I've now decided to do as a cushion , the throw I found more yarn for. Then i'll see how I go from there. Do have another throw in the works but it can be long term, for when we eventually repaint and get a new lounge. I did pick up a bargain at Lincraft last weekend, some silk Plus for $2.24 per ball and last year's run which seems much nicer than the current stuff. 10 balls in a pack just waiting for the Burnham Wood Capelet
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
Sunday, 2 October 2011
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
Some knitting mojo returns

This yarn was originally for a throw, then had a not so bright idea to make a draped front vest. The yarn was too heavy and the weight made it pull terribly at the shoulders, so I frogged it back to about 20 cm. It has sat for over a year and then a few girls at work were making blankets, so I pulled out again and started on a throw, pretty quick as doing on 10mm needles.
Still going on squares for Knit a square, up to 26 now. Still enjoying some crochet, think it also coming back in popularity, as could not get any mid size hooks at Big W or Spotlight last week.
Saturday, 23 July 2011

So not being in the mood for anything complicated I have been knitting and crocheting squares for Knit a Square. Have been teaching myself different crochet stitches, have to say it's quicker than knitting. Only trouble was getting gauge, so have ended making a vest as well.
Wednesday, 6 July 2011
Not in the Mood
Really not in the mood to knit. Probably a lot to do with having a new toy. Spent the weekend getting my Internet connection to be wireless around the house in preparation for the arrival of my Tablet PC from which I'm am posting from on the lounge. I chose the Asus Transformer mainly because it felt better to hold than the Motorola Zoom or Acer Aconia. Have an Acer Laptop and not impressed. Ended up buying online from Hong Kong as tablet plus docking keyboard were the same price as just the tablet here in Oz. All instructions are in Chinese but as I have Android phone have no problems at all working it. Looking forward to being able to have knitting patterns on it.
Did finish my daughter's hoodie - well nearly she took it before I could put a pocket on or put a band on the hood.
Did finish my daughter's hoodie - well nearly she took it before I could put a pocket on or put a band on the hood.
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
Sad Times
Have not been here for awhile my Dear Dad was admitted to hospital the day before my last post. Sadly he passed last Monday after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer 2 weeks before.
Time has been taken with visits to the hospital and making the final arrangements.We had a lovely service yesterday despite the weather and have received some wonderful support from friends and family, which has been of great comfort.
I would like to mention the wonderful staff at Nepean Hospital who looked after him so well for which I will be eternally grateful.
The Leyburns have been put on the back burner as require some thought, replaced by a hoodie in the round in stocking stitch for my daughter, which I feel ready to pick up again.
Time has been taken with visits to the hospital and making the final arrangements.We had a lovely service yesterday despite the weather and have received some wonderful support from friends and family, which has been of great comfort.
I would like to mention the wonderful staff at Nepean Hospital who looked after him so well for which I will be eternally grateful.
The Leyburns have been put on the back burner as require some thought, replaced by a hoodie in the round in stocking stitch for my daughter, which I feel ready to pick up again.
Sunday, 8 May 2011
happy Mum's day
Happy Mother's Day everyone. Unfortunately most of mine was spent visiting my Dad in hospital. His legs failed him yesterday. Seems it is his heart failing. He has had bad swelling the ankles, but we keep getting told that his blood pressure and heart beat are of a 20 year old, so didn't put it down to this. But apparently you can have a good beat and blood pressure and still have heart problems. Hopefully they will work out some meds and he should be back to normal or better, but a few more days of testing.
Meanwhile have started Leyburns.
Pics are some spoils from the Hidden Purl and my 4 little Nutkins
Sunday, 24 April 2011
3 Little Nutkins
Friday, 25 March 2011
Copper Yarn for CoppaTop
What a lovely surprise to get home on Sunday after working 7 days straight and find a message for me a Ravelry to say I'd won the first round of the Super Special Six Pattern Sock Club 2011 prize. I'd totally forgotten about the prize draw. So here it is from Ailsa at Knitabulous. I was thrilled that it was a solid colour, have been hanging out for some good quality solid colour yarn, but have been very strong. I love it! Think it will be destined for a Cookie A pattern.
I was saving my birthday and Christmas money ( and money from doing online surveys) for a E-Reader. The Sony one I want ran out of stock just after release and there's no definite date for more to arrive in the country. So I weakened with Angus & Roberton's recent 30% off sale and bought these.
Bit disappointed with the Knit & Wrap, a lot of very chunky stuff, nice but no way I could wear it.
Sunday, 13 March 2011
Hot and Muggy and Dugald is not impressed, rain keeps threatening but not happening.
Nearly finished sleepy bears but put it down to start Nutkins for Super Special Six Pattern Sock Club 2011 and also had to wait for some cotton to arrive.
Up to the toe on first Nutkin , they are turning out really small on 2.5mm with Spotlight Noir, so will have to a present. Only did 6 repeats of pattern before heel to keep the leg short enough. Like the pattern, it's easy and looks like cable. Doing lots of OT and feeling a bit off colour, so slow progress all round.
Friday, 18 February 2011
Getting there, mostly half stitch and backstitch to go.
Well DD got the sack this week from her new job at Hungry Jacks. She had done about 4 or shifts with them. She was rostered on for this Sunday and found out she had to attend a dance seminar, so I advised her to give them plenty of notice so they could find a replacement, so she called last Tuesday and was promptly advised not to come back. We weren't too disappointed as after 2 weeks it was becoming quite apparent that Hungry Jacks reputation as being really bad to work for is well earnt. I just mad at myself for not letting her leave TAFE early to go for an interview at Coles. There was a group interview as Coles are doing some changes and a big recruitment drive. I thought she give Hungry Jacks a go for a few months and didn't want her to get behind at TAFE this early on. DOH
While I can understand they wouldn't be impressed with her cancelling a shift, but I thought this was harsh, as she knew there people who could have covered for her. What would they prefer she call up the same day and give them no notice. It can't be very cost effective to hire and fire like this. I was not impressed on Saturday night when nobody could spare a few minutes of their time to make sure she was picked up Ok after her shift finished at midnight, they finished about 15 minutes early and we were already on our way. But no, left a 16 yr old girl alone in the dark at midnight, so I just kept her on the phone. Well there must be better just around the corner.
Saturday, 12 February 2011
A Reprieve and Letting go a little
Well today's birthday party has been cancelled due to illness as the family has been struck with a gastro virus- not good. Which means I some more time to finish Sleepy Bears, have not done too much this week as returned to work.
DD started TAFE this week and formed a little group within a day. Then I get the news on Tuesday she accepted a lift home from an 18 year boy she had known for a day. She did ring her father to ask permission and he said it was OK as he trusts her opinion.
But I was slightly more freaked out having been a 16 year old girl and knowing the most sensible of us, sometimes do dumb things. Anyway she made it home fine and was thought he was a good driver. I told her I wasn't impressed and we had a talk and I feel more comfortable about things. I've known where this child has been nearly 24-7 for the last sixteen and a half years, this letting go is stressful.
And the complete turnaround in attitude from just cruising along, to taking on heaps of things at once that are going to require maximum effort. She has been feeling a bit nauseous, think it is the changes, she seems to react that way to change. Thankfully she is really sensible eater, just have to make sure she gets enough sleep. Think that goes for me too, being a worry wart at the moment
DD started TAFE this week and formed a little group within a day. Then I get the news on Tuesday she accepted a lift home from an 18 year boy she had known for a day. She did ring her father to ask permission and he said it was OK as he trusts her opinion.
But I was slightly more freaked out having been a 16 year old girl and knowing the most sensible of us, sometimes do dumb things. Anyway she made it home fine and was thought he was a good driver. I told her I wasn't impressed and we had a talk and I feel more comfortable about things. I've known where this child has been nearly 24-7 for the last sixteen and a half years, this letting go is stressful.
And the complete turnaround in attitude from just cruising along, to taking on heaps of things at once that are going to require maximum effort. She has been feeling a bit nauseous, think it is the changes, she seems to react that way to change. Thankfully she is really sensible eater, just have to make sure she gets enough sleep. Think that goes for me too, being a worry wart at the moment
Thursday, 3 February 2011
Knit Sock Love
Finally Arrived yesterday, was dispatched on the 13th January 2010 was getting concerned
Wednesday, 2 February 2011
Progressing Well
Cross Stitch coming along well although I've discovered that it's the possible cause of sharp breast pains. First got this a couple of years ago. Had an ultrasound and all clear and after a few weeks didn't get it again except for a very occasional twinge.
Well it was back last week and early this week with avengence and seemed to be worst when sitting down. I though back what was I doing two years ago, I worked on cross stitch every day for about 3 months. What I am doing know, a lot of cross stitch, I've slowed right down and tried to sit up straight and not scrunch over the chart, and no pain. Feel much better, but will still go and have another ultrasound as suggested by the Dr to be sure. Can't load any progress pics as the stupid computer has decided not to recognise anything plugged in via USB.
Well it was back last week and early this week with avengence and seemed to be worst when sitting down. I though back what was I doing two years ago, I worked on cross stitch every day for about 3 months. What I am doing know, a lot of cross stitch, I've slowed right down and tried to sit up straight and not scrunch over the chart, and no pain. Feel much better, but will still go and have another ultrasound as suggested by the Dr to be sure. Can't load any progress pics as the stupid computer has decided not to recognise anything plugged in via USB.
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
Sleepy Bears & Lots of Back Stitch
Humphhh, just about finished this post and Chrome Crashed. So much for autosave.
Now what did I say....
Oh yes was saying had started this x stitch years ago probably just before the knitting bug really hit. Pulled it out this time last year as my BF had her baby, think I persevered with it but got bored and knitting took over. Pulled out again last week as little Lauren's birthday party on the 12th Feb, and who knows might get it done , gives me something to work to. Was getting put off by the amount of back stitch so thought I would get a start on it and do what I had completed in x stitch so far. Guess What? I'm enjoying the back stitch more than the x stitches, faster and have really bought the piece to life. I have bears instead of blobs.
Oh yes, Happy Australia Day, I've been a party pooper, too hot, got to 40c here today. Perfect excuse to stay inside and stitch
Friday, 21 January 2011
A bit of time off

Have a 4 and half day weekend and then only have to go back to work for 1 day then a week and half off. Most of it will be getting DD organised for this year. She did quite well in her School Certificate but is determine not to go back and do her HSC at school.
The original plan was to go to TAFE and do a Certificate in massage and then go on to do the Diploma. She is on standby for the massage course so we had to look at other options in case she doesn't get in. So yesterday we went and saw the TAFE counsellor.
There is no issue with doing the HSC at TAFE and the counsellor also suggested that she do a Business Admin course in medical so she could look at doing reception at a physio practice or the like, she has 18 months to fill in if she goes straight into applying for the diploma Massage Course. Now it's just getting her a part-time job.
Shur'tugal Socks completed on the 19th. I like them but have made a promise to myself any more sock yarn purchases will be in solid colours. the last few pairs of socks I have made have been quite heavily patterned and it's been getting lost in the colour variations. Have to work from stash so will have to try and deal with at the moment. Unfortunately they are not as bright blue as in picture.
Dugald had eye surgery to remove extra eyelashes and fix some entropion has recovered well but has lost pigment on his eyelids where they froze the eyelashes off, so now he looks like he has got sore eyes when he doesn't...hmmmm.
Getting back to the sleepy bears cross, the little girl it's for has her 1st birthday party in two and half weeks, not sure I'll make it though.
Probably won't knit until till next sock in the Super Special Six Pattern Sock Club 2011
Wednesday, 5 January 2011
Keep Meaning to
Post that is.... had a quiet Christmas. Snow Hats arrived safely in UK and are being appreciated in the weather.
Went up to Patonga on New Years Eve and met DD's god parents for lunch, very hot but would have been worse here, nice shady picnic area to sit in. DH's Mum's family had a house there until about 8 years ago when it was sold after both grandparents passed away, considered it his true home and still upset by it's lose. His great Grandfather bought land when it was first released.
Damaste Socks completed in time to give to my niece, ended up being in unknown black acrylic as the Elle DK Gold was a bit thick.
Have finished sock 1 of Shur'tugal just now for S62011
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