Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Sad Times

Have not been here for awhile my Dear Dad was admitted to hospital the day before my last post. Sadly he passed last Monday after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer 2 weeks before.

Time has been taken with visits to the hospital and making the final arrangements.We had a lovely service yesterday despite the weather and have received some wonderful support from friends and family, which has been of great comfort.

I would like to mention the wonderful staff at Nepean Hospital who looked after him so well for which I will be eternally grateful.

The Leyburns have been put on the back burner as require some thought, replaced by a hoodie in the round in stocking stitch for my daughter, which I feel ready to pick up again.


Jan said...

Rachel, I'm sorry to hear this and send hugs and sympathy. My dad died about twelve years ago and I still remember the great care given by staff at the Queen Victoria Hospital at Wentworth Falls.

Take care of yourself an get rest. Grief shows itself in unexpected ways at times.

((( )))

Unknown said...

I pray that your family will recover from the grief and can remember the laughter and fun.

My Five Sons said...

Oh dear Im soo sorry,Im just catching with blogging and having lost my own Dad I feel for you,hugs and thoughts to you and all!