Monday, 28 January 2008

Some Retail Therapy

Friday lunch time, I was in need of losing myself in a really big bookstore ( I used to do this when I worked in the city for a brief escape from the world). Since Penrith doesn't have one , Spotlight seemed like the next best thing. Well to my pleasant surprise, it seems all last year's leftover stock was selling for $1.00 or at the most $1.99. So I indulged and spent a whole $20.00 , no need to even feel guilty. A pair and of socks and jumper for my dad. Dad's birthday is tomorrow, so it it will have to be a IOU. I had the Billy Elliot DVD on order, but it seems no local suppliers have it.

We saw The Golden Compass yesterday, really didn't grab me, the effects were fantastic but the characters were not really developed, I suppose it seemed like a child's picture book version of a more detailed original book. I'm trying not to let it put me off the book.

1 comment:

Becky-Dee said...

Have you seen the new spotlight yarns in stock? They are great! there are your usual acrylics but they also seem to be using lots of natural fibers. I got 2 balls of smoky blue australian merino for $8!! They also had some yarn with soybean and bamboo. I love it when they sell out their old can get a sweaters worth for like $15. Gee I love spotlight.