Have since been preoccupied with work, still way out of my comfort zone, but definitely not alone there. I'm also trying to find a new school for my daughter.
Have now decided, she is not impressed, but it was her idea to change, but where she wanted to go is not where I want to send her. Fingers crossed now, they will have a vacancy. It has so many advantages , heaps cheaper, same education, I drive past it on my way to work. The bus in the afternoon goes right past here. There are other kids a few doors up that go there (she can make local friends, bit hard when it's all acreages, don't see people in the street very often). Till now it's still been before and after care and relying on her grandparents. Not that they mind, but my Dad is 88 this month and may not pass his licence test. Her other grandparents are planning an overseas holidays. So it is the ultimate solution I think, and will also save on childcare expenses, as interest rates are starting to bite. So toes crossed as well, I'll be on the phone as soon as the school office opens on the 21st.
Just other niggly things , such as sorting out super and such. My daughter is going away for two weeks to visit her Aunty, Uncle & cousin in Wodonga and attend a summer dance school at the studio her cousin attends. I think this will determine if she wants to become more serious with her dancing, as it's will give her idea of how a performing studio runs. So there has been shopping to extend her wardrobe a bit while the bargains are on , fortunately she still fits in some kids clothes, so I can pick up things for under $10 on special. The biggest bargain I think though was pair of black knee high boots for $12.95, very plain, but she has reported them very comfortable, which has got her over the look of them. There is still some sense in her teenage brain.
One of our visits was to meet these little guys , as we hope to get my husband another dog later in the year. They are Welsh Springer Spaniels. We had read alot and heard they were lovely dogs , so wanted to see them in the flesh. And, yes they were all that was expected.This was a brief moment when the puppies stopped for a breather and tummy rub.

So knitting has consisted of about an inch on the ugly sock, reading, about half a page since Christmas. Hope to improve these stats over the next few weeks.
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