Friday, 28 December 2007

Thursday, 27 December 2007

Real Broadband

Finally have ADSL. Amazing what happens when you go to cancel a Service (wireless).
Suddenly after two years of asking , it becomes possible in four days for the Telco to fiddle with the lines and make broadband possible through the landline.

I have achieved something (see below, well maybe not -Error on page). But the new job has been such information overload and so out of my comfort zone , that when I get home it's hard to do anything except vegetate.

Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas , ours was quiet, but I am enjoying the break, and getting all the errands done, that have built up. Don't go back till the 2/1, not bad for a new job.

Besides the blue socks (missing pic), I cast on the second ugly sock, just have to remember how I did it, as I sort of made it up as I went along. Another baby boy has arrived, so I will have to knit some little shoes quickly. Succumbed the other day and went to Spotlight, I was very good though, only bought 2 balls of yarn at 99c each.

Tuesday, 18 December 2007


Into the third week of training and it's been a bit mind numbing being in a classroom environment. The last few weeks with end of year parties , dance concerts etc, I haven't really been in the mood to knit. Half way through the second blue sock.

A definite highlight was going to the Billy Elliot musical last Saturday, it was fantastic, so if you get a chance to go DO IT!!!. Take a tissue or two though.

Actually picked up a book on the weekend , Isobelle Carmody's "Obernewytn", a young adult fantasy , easy to read and quite good, now on the second book " the Farseekers "

3 and half days to Christmas New Year break - yay, good timing to start a new job which closes for the week.

Monday, 3 December 2007

First Day at Work

First day at the new job, there is a group of 10 of us, they all seem nice. Less than a 20 minute drive from home. Across the road from Spotlight and the Plaza, boy am I going to have to be strong, especially with a 1 hour lunch break.

I haven't cast on the second ugly sock yet. I have started on some for a baby boy due in the next week or so. Patonyle again, blue sock striping I really like it, I have two balls so might make some for myself.

Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Ugly Sock

I did finish it last week , but it was a bit long so I frogged it. The ankle decrease looks a bit odd, but works well. Very happy the pick up of stitches, no ugly holes at all.

Thursday, 22 November 2007

I Got The JOB!!!!!

Yes I start work at the ATO 20 minutes from home on the 3rd of December and it's permanent. Yay , no stress of not getting paid over Christmas and have peace of mind if I get sick or anything. AND RDOs.

Nearly finished first sock for hubby, think I'm going to call them "ugly socks" as it looks a bit odd. I improvised with a decrease at the ankle, but think it's going to fit quite well. I think I appreciate why people make them more now, you can basically make it up as you go and I enjoy turning the heel.

Thursday, 15 November 2007


No news , have started hubby's socks, Patons Caressa on 3.75mm dpns, will follow Shazza's sock pattern ,but plan a double rib , and the addition of cotton on the toe & heel for extra strength. Mum said her Mum used to do that, back in the days you made your own socks. Just have ask her if she remembers how her Mum did it, it was only about 70 years ago.

Will make more adult size socks in the patonyle, have two more balls, so will make matching Mum & daughter socks to send OS. Not my favorite colours, but I suppose $1.20 patonyle was too tempting. I think the recipient will like it though.

Note the pink stripes on the cream hat, my cure for ladders (washing didn't fix it). This if for lady in the cafe across from work, she is not due till Feb, so will work on some matching shoes before then

Monday, 12 November 2007

The Week That Was

Last week saw me the only member left of my team to tidy up the WIP, gets a bit lonely, but I am enjoying be in control of what I do when and working at my own pace. Hence me wanting to know about the job I applied so I know where my life is going. Today was the last day of assessments for the positions, so I'm hoping they will start to advise people by the end of the week if they have a position. Trouble is they are only advising successful candidates, so could wait for months and not know, as they are recruiting for the next 12 months.

Anyway thinking positively , hopefully I'll be asked to start late November. I have applied for another job, to keep my options open.And if worst comes to worse they have said I can have a position at the Call Centre at work, been there done that, but good of them to offer.

Saturday night I took my daughter to see a documentary "The Price of Sex" presented by the local Salvation Army, educational for both of us. It was from a Christian point of view, but brought up some really good points and concentrated on self worth.
Gave some ideas on how to get deal with peer pressure etc. I didn't know there were so many bad diseases (sheltered eighties child). I don't have any concerns with her as yet.But if I'm providing her with some ammo in case she ever gets in a difficult situation, it's been worth it. I had concerns about over exposure, but I think society is taking care of that nowadays, and better to be properly educated, to enable sound choices to be made. I also purchased Kaz Cooke's "Girl Stuff" which I have found really good, covering a whole range of stuff. So if you have a teenage daughter might be worth a look, Target has them for a really good price.

On a less serious note, yesterday I spent at the Sydney Pet Expo on the Schipperke Club stand , it's a long day, but was pleasant enough, my Jiminy coped with all the pats more than usual, I think he actually enjoyed a lot of it. You realise how sensitive to different people they are, some people he walked up to,others backed he off and not always because of their approach,more to do with smell and that special sense animals have. And if you're worried, we do give them regular breaks,as they do get fed up. So as per usual the question how do you say Schipperke (skipper per key)which is Flemish so understandable and a good ice breaker. And the classic "does he bite?" - yes I bought him here to promote the breed by ripping people's arms off.

Knitting - socks to match the colourful baby hat, the "mini sock' pattern - doubled. I'm about a third way through the second. Socks for hubby next.

Friday, 2 November 2007

A Step Closer

My boss got a call for a reference today from the agency doing the applications for the job I'm waiting to hear about , so I'm thinking that's a good sign.

Not much knitting just slowly getting though another baby hat, should be finished tonight.

Sunday, 28 October 2007

Can't Think of one

Well I had my assessment for the Tax Office on Friday, very intense , have no idea how I went. Hoping for a call up to start late November, but who knows they are recruiting for the next 12 months, and we all just were so glad it was over no one asked when we would hear anything.

Spent yesterday doing housework, today after getting up late I forgot about daylight saving, took Mum & Dad up to Bowen Mountain (it is so pretty up there) to a nursery specialising in old fashioned plants. It was a bit disappointing, as it was a bit overrun and the health of the plants wasn't the best. We had been meaning to go for the last twelve months, so had pretty high expectations. Anyway we then ventured over to Annangrove, and visited the Earth Mother Nursery mainly for lunch at the Cafe, very impressive,such a lovely atmosphere under the trees and water features, and the food, Yummmmm. Will be going back. The plants were lovely and healthy and set out very nicely. Nothing we wanted today but lunch made up for it.

On the way back I noticed we passed Virginia Farms, with much excitement from me, Mum had no idea what I was going on about (half deaf and in the back seat), it was too late to stop. Anyway we spotted more nurseries worth a visit close by, so will make another trip hopefully not to soon in the future. If I get the Tax Office job, nine day fortnight ,more time for such things. Here's hoping :)

Tuesday, 23 October 2007

One More Stage Passed

I passed my telephone interview and have to go for three hours of assessment and interview on Friday, hopefully this is the final stage to the process. I think I'll have to wait about three weeks for an answer though, as assessments don't finish till the 12/11. I chose the first day to get it over and done with.

I am happier with the Baby Hat, I x-stitched up the ladders in pink (the hat is cream) and added a few more stripes, this also helped the brim not roll up too much as it was doing. I've started another in some Patonyle sock yarn I had around, tried 4 3mm dpns, I don't know how anybody works on 3 needles. So swapped to 5 2.75mm, seems to be going alot better this time.

The weekend was spent sequining dance costumes, I was hoping to finish, so I didn't have to worry about it, got most done, but the last bits have to be done while being worn, so have to get my daughter between homework and study - she has exams next week.

I resisted a 20% spotlight sale, I practically drive past it on the way home, and they've even put in a roundabout to make it easier to get there, I'm very proud of myself.

The swatch , about a stitch out, meaning it will come out a bit bigger, think I'll go down a needle size.

Friday, 19 October 2007


Swatching this

to make this

I have substituted a Busy Bee yarn for Patons Zhivago. It was in the 10 balls for $10 basket at spotlight. I have picked it up on my previous couple of visits but have put it back as even being nearly my favourite shade of purple I didn't have a project for it to justify the purchase. Just browsing through the Creative Knitting Annual spotted the above pattern which I was sure my daughter would like. So with 10 minutes to spare before picking her up from dancing, I dropped into spotlight to check out Zhivago. As it turns out it didn't have a price on it,so was no sure on purchasing it. I was lured back to the purple yarn only to realise it was the same composition as Zhivago. Well that was that, a done deal ,I needed 9 balls perfect.

The pattern is marked Advanced , given I'm having trouble with a stocking stitch baby cap, this is a bit out there, oh well take it slow. The yarn is very easy to work.

The Baby Hat is done, not happy , the ladders are still quite visible even after a wash. May try again with 3mm dpns or heaven forbid do it on straights.

Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Time Flys

Gee - 9 days since my last post. So here's a bit of an update:

Knitting - have ripped the baby hat I was attempting about six times,I gave round needles a go, nup no good , steel dpns nup too long and only a set of 4(I work my socks on 5 10cm bamboo dpns, 20cm was too awkward ). Swapped to a pattern with less stitches and 5 bamboo 15cm dpns( smoothed over with an emery board) and I'm getting somewhere. Have used 3.25mm think I would have better with 3mm but have discovered the Chinese sets from Ebay don't include 3mm, not impressed. There are ladders I'm not happy with, but I have a plan to hopefully cover them up. I think I have been generally distracted and not having much luck with my projects.

Job Hunting - made it to telephone interview stage with my last application, I find out next week whether I get to turn up to the assessment centre. Hopefully that's the last stage. I made a general application through a campaign for finance jobs in the Public Service and have been advised it has been passed onto for some departments to have a look at.

Dogs - our Schipperke Club held their spring specialty show last Sunday, I had to prepare all the prizes being trophy steward, it was a good day, enjoyed by all I think. Even my Jiminy was happy to be shown and examined by the judge this time out, she was a very nice lady though. Elliot came along for the outing and as per usual made lots of new friends, the possessive and territorial Jiminy was not impressed.

That's about it for now, back to the Baby Hat - I will not be beaten by it.

Monday, 8 October 2007


A picture of Elliot as promised.

No time for knitting, the job app took me till 1am and them my computer froze when I wanted to submit it. Got up this morning to find the website saying applications were closed, I was very peeved as it not supposed to close till noon. Fortunately it was a technical error and they reopened it till Wednesday phew. Then when I got home I had to complete an timed online test. I'll be mighty disappointed if I don't get through the first stage.

Too tired to knit

Sunday, 7 October 2007

Lace doesn't like me

Tried the lace pattern with two lots of multiples, made it to row 7 of 8 of the pattern before mucking it up. Only made it to row 3 before. I may have to put in on the back burner for awhile, as I need to get some baby stuff done. But I'm determined to get it right. Going to use bigger needles next time as the original pattern yarn calls for 3.25mm needles and the pattern uses 5mm. My yarn is for 4mm needles, so I might try 6 or 6.5mm, and use one less multiple.

My Jiminy Cricket finally got his championship, he doesn't like to show much. He escaped from our last house and was gone for 3 days before coming back home a few years ago. I think he had been chased in a crowded noisy place , as he gets nervous in crowded places and is very conscious of anyone coming up behind him. But it's very erratic sometimes he shows his pants off and completely calm. He enjoys the outing though, gets lots of individual attention.

My daughter's dog is a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling retriever, I'm saving some of his undercoat which is now coming out , might spin it , when I learn to spin.(pic later he's georgeous)

Must go , got another government job app to apply for with 5 yukky questions to answer so will be a late night if I'm to make it by cutoff.

I E-mailed to see how the other job application process is going last Friday 28/9 no response at all

Thursday, 4 October 2007

Stash Building

All the thinking about new projects and the Spotlight sale has led to quite a bit of stash building, probably about 40 - 50 balls of yarn ( i haven't dared to count).

I am trying my first lace project, (Lion Brand Lacy Stole), certainly needs concentration. Ripped about six times so far. Have opted to do a big swatch to try and get it right.

Have to go.

Wednesday, 26 September 2007

Not Much Knitting Going On

Still haven't heard back about my interview, will give them to Friday then contact them. Don't hold out much hope, but just about my biggest pet hate is not being contacted after an interview when the outcome is not positive. I just think it's plain rude and cowardly. Giving a bit of feedback could make all the difference for the person next time round. Well that's my vent.

Been looking at lots of patterns, but no actually knitting much. Still working on the pink poncho but haven't even finished the back yet.Just doing a few rows on the train when I get a seat that's not too quishy. Thinking of a caterpillar, the cotton blend yarn is only $1 at spotlight at the moment. Thinking Teddy Bears, Jaywalkers too.

Thinking thinking.

Do I go to Spotlight with most of the yarn on sale - two lots of car rego in 3 weeks

Good news this week , my daughter got honours in her first dancing exam. Her teacher is thrilled to have an honours student in her second year of offering exam work. So very proud of her.

Monday, 17 September 2007

At a Lose

Well the interview has a left me at a lose. There were no awkward moments, I answered all the questions, felt pretty good. But is was lucky to last fifteen minutes, pretty strange with 3 people asking questions, probably only six in all between them. Either I didn't answer with enough detail or possibly it was a claytons interview and the position has been filled already. Well I will know within two weeks, but not holding my breathe.

What do I knit now, I like to have two projects going, might go back to the moss stitch baby hat & shoes.

Sunday, 16 September 2007

Inca Jumper Finished

It seemed to draw out at the end, but is now done.

and a close up of the pattern, very easy but did muck it up when shaping the neck, but both sides match, so I don't think it will be noticed.It's little greener in true life and very heavy.

Interview tomorrow,gotta go refresh what I actually said in the application, it's been awhile.

Wednesday, 12 September 2007

An Interview

I made it to interview stage for the government job I applied for, so I'm very excited about that. The weekend will be spent preparing, as it's on Monday and no doubt be lots of ugly questions and a panel of 3. It also has become important as my temp assignment has been shortened by a few months. Back to the Inca jumper.

Tuesday, 11 September 2007


>You Are a Purple Crayon
Your world is colored in dreamy, divine, and classy colors.You hold yourself to a sky high standard, and you are always graceful.People envy, idolize, and copy you without realizing it. You are an icon for those who know you.And while it is hard to be a perfectionist, rest assured it's paying off!
Your color wheel opposite is yellow. While yellow people may be wise, they lack the manners and class needed to impress you.

I did even rig it......and it came out my favourite colour. Sounds a bit over the top to me though.

And more purple.............I've joined the Purple Boot Brigade, $30 goes towards breast cancer education and awareness. I've been waiting 3 months for them.

Yes this is still a knitting blog in case you were beginning to wonder. The Inca jumper has a back, two sleeves and nearly a completed front. My train project is the Lion Brand Hooded Baby Poncho. Lost amongst my stash for about six months, something simple and fast (hopefully) and a Christmas present covered.

Tuesday, 4 September 2007

A Website worth a mention

A lady at work has a friend who is about to start up a website to help people going through trauma from accident or illness. It has the support of the Cancer Council and the gentleman will be appearing on the Sunrise program soon. He himself has recently become a paraplegic through an accident.

" imthinkingof is a purpose built integrated care system that combines SMS technology and the internet to dramatically improve the way you manage and cope during a trauma or crisis."

A great idea I think

Saturday, 1 September 2007

A Moon, more Flowers & a Pig in the Grass

HoneyBun my 5 year old cavy in the grass grazing , she has been living in a dog crate for a week as she has a bacterial infection in her feet from the wire in the bottom of her hutch. About 6 months ago she got a new hutch, a fancy two storey job, but she wouldn't use the top floor, so was spending more time on the wire which I think was a courser than she was used too. By the time we realised there was a problem, it was quite advanced, as guinea pigs are quite good at hiding illness. I tried different antiseptics to no avail. Guinea pigs don't tolerate antibiotics, so the vet has prescribed an antibacterial soak followed by zinc cream. We'll see how it goes, she is quite happy and not suffering at all, devouring food by the truck load. We've renovated the hutch, second floor is now a ground floor and the wire removed from the bottom. Fingers crossed there won't be a problem as the hutch is quite heavy and hopefully will stay firmly on the ground. She can really romp in the grass now.

More flowers

and the eclipse on Tuesday.

On the knitting front, the Inca jumper is coming along slowly. Hoping Inca will still be $2.40 at Spotlight tomorrow , and there is enough in the right colour for a vest for Dad.

Other than that a bit of spring cleaning.

Monday, 27 August 2007

The Bees are busy

The lovely weather yesterday lead me outside with Mum to look at the first of her Spring flowers.

I've decided to give myself a bit of a break , this blog has inspired my to finish heaps of projects.
But I suddenly realised I was putting a lot of pressure on myself with tight timeframes to get things done. It's supposed be a relaxing hobby, so I definitely won't stop knitting but just slow down, maybe allow myself a bit of reading.

Wednesday, 22 August 2007

15 years today

It's our anniversary today, I was hoping to have the Inca jumper finished for my husband, but with last week being so busy I didn't make it. I suppose it would have been a feat, a jumper in two weeks , when working full time, even on 7mm needles. I think there's about another week in it. But I will have to stop for a few days , as I have a baby shower to attend on Saturday and haven't made a thing yet (knitted items will be expected). I will try and get made my standard shoes made & possibly a hat (not cable) with an IOU for more items.

Thursday, 16 August 2007


This Saturday's fun day has been cancelled

Busy Busy

Having a chaotic week, we farewelled our friends off to America on the weekend, which was a sad time. My daughter has her dancing exam on the weekend so has dancing four nights this week. The spare evening yesterday was spent taking the dogs to the vet for their annual injections.

Meanwhile I have applied for a government position, which entailed a lengthy written application, so have been up to the wee hours for the past two nights preparing it. A nine day fortnight would be great.

Have fitted in some knitting , mainly on the train, the Inca made it straight into the needles and I have just about completed the back of a jumper for my husband and started on a sleeve (the back became to heavy and awkward for the train). I'm having a love affair with wool alpaca blends I think.

There is an alpaca farm up the road, may have enquire about fleece when I get round to spinning.

Sunday, 5 August 2007

At Last...

I finished the cable blue baby cap. It was meant to be quick, but it has been a three week marathon. With only 3 weeks of winter left I hope my gifts get some use.
Succumbed to the temptation of $3 Inca at spotlight, the green & grey mixture will bring out my husband's eyes. Hopefully it will make it straight onto the needles, so doesn't count towards the stash. Anyway that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

Sunday, 29 July 2007

When is a stash too big??

Is it when you can't remember what's in it?

All this on top of a bookcase. Mum gave it to me last year when she moved into the granny flat next door. I knew it was there, but had forgotten exactly what was in it. 1kg of beautiful dark brown wool about 8ply, still geasy and a bit smelly, Mum was given it about 20 years ago by a friend who had started up a wool mill in Mudgee. To think I had begun making enquiries about buying some natural yarn for my husband's aniversary present. The cream yarn , my Mum spun around the same time, about 180 gms, along with the brown & white combination. The other lighter brown colour in the basket is unspun, there is nearly a kg of that too. The other basket is of rovings wool & mohair we think. A huge reel of more light brown yarn to be plied.

With this , and probably at least four more baskets full of commercial yarn, can I really justify adding to my stash?

I really have to take the time for Mum to teach me to spin. I feeling rather inspired now.

Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Marty now known as "Bear"

Marty has passed his trial and now has a new home and new name , hopefully all keeps going well.

Still working on the pink beanie and flirt scarf. I tried a tension square for the mohair singlet I planned for my daughter, doing a yarn substitution , need to add quite a few more stitches and not sure I like the look of the yarn knitted up. So I'll put that on the back burner.

It's my wedding anniversary soon , so thought I might make or at least start on a jumper or the knitted vest from Yarn Issue 3 for my husband. I'm getting an eternity ring after 15 years. He already has two wedding rings, so was wondering what to do (deerrr). It's a forever kind of present anniversary. What's better than a knitted item made with love. The Tabby Paws would be very useful for him as well, no air conditioning or heaters in an old smash shop. I have knitted him a jumper before but my daughter has now taken ownership of it. I think she can get away with the Bart Simpson motif better.

Tuesday, 10 July 2007

Hopefully Good News for Marty

Marty's breeder messaged me the morning to say Marty is on on two week trial with a young couple who recently lost their young dog of the same breed. Finger's and toe's crossed he settles in well and has a happy new home.

Hat Finished

I have completed the free Yarn Bee hat pattern in the light pink amazon yarn. I am very happy with it , think it's looks better than the pamphlet, thicker & fluffier. Although being for a child I may put some hat elastic in the ribbing as it stretches quite easily. I have started another cable beanie in pink acrylic from my stash, toddler size this time. I'm making up a package along with the yarn bee hat and blue baby shoes from previous posts. I decided I didn't like the dolphin buttons on the shoes, and I am going to replace them with buttons I won off Ebay. I'll make a bonnet to go with the shoes, and hopefully get it all in the mail sometime next week. The person who's children I'm knitting for has previously been so greatful for my knitted gifts, as her Mum passed away a number of years ago and was a knitter. So she didn't have anyone to knit for her babies. I also like to knit for her as she has no problems with bright colours. A bright purple mini baby poncho was greatly appreciated. Back to the needles.

Sunday, 8 July 2007

Bit of a Non Event

Went to The Spotlight Knitting Party at Penrith, but it was a non event as the staff member running it was ill, so it consisted of a raffle of a tolley full of knitting goods , mostly acrylic yarn . You got a ticket for each $5 you spent. I was expecting some kind of specials on yarn, but everything was normal price. When on to show my friend what a real LYS looks like at the Wool Inn and picked up two more Paton pattern books, surprised at the better price.

On the doggy side of things , The Schipperke Association of NSW is running a fun day on the 18th August starting at 11am at the Canine Complex on Luddenham Rd, Erskine Park, Sydney all breeds pure or mixed welcome. There be some fun games and a sausage sizzle. Anybody interested can leave a comment.

Friday, 6 July 2007

Mysteries Solved & Unsolved

The drop stitch shawl is finished, the mystery of the extra yarn , it turned out smaller than it was supposed to. Not a bad thing mind, being that I'm only 4' 11" . A trip to Lincraft gained two balls of light pink amazon yarn and a pattern book and some thick round needles. I'm thinking the Yarn Bee free beanie pattern from spotlight in child size for the yarn. Also in the mail this week from some of my birthday money YARN mag back issues & first of my subscription.

The purple beanie has not appeared, so will probably do a replacement black & red stripes, this time. From Knitting Daily, looks great, but appears to be in short supply , will probably have to wait till Christmas anyway.

Spotlight Knitting Party tomorrow, taking my friend who I taught to knit and who has taken to it like a fish to water. She picks a lot up from just watching me on the train. Just gets ideas and goes for it, possibly a designer in the making.

Wednesday, 4 July 2007

Purple Beanie Where are You??

It's young friend informs me he had the beanie yesterday morning at work but it disappeared sometime during the day. Don't know why somebody would take it especially with thread still hanging off it, but you never know do you. So no pic of the beanie :-(

The shawl is nearly finished, pays to look at the instructions occasionally, I only had to increase to 113 stitches not 133 as I has stuck in my mind. Should just manage to get the last lot of wraps on the needles. Not sure why I am only up the 3rd ball of yarn when the pattern says 5. Another mystery....

Tuesday, 3 July 2007

A Busy Few Days

My baby turned 13 on Sunday, so it was a busy weekend , Saturday I took her and friend to Parramatta to shop , she likes Borders and a hot chocolate at Gloria Jeans up stairs. I wasn't allowed to go to Lincraft :-/ Hopefully the yarn sale might be still on and I'll get there this week sometime. Sunday was housework before all the party guests came. All in all a good weekend.

I did manage to finish the cable beanie (just about), my first cables, don't know what I've been worried about all these years. It's kind of magical I think how they shape themselves, I thought it would be much more complex. I will hopefully have a pic of the beanie, the recipient still has it, I need to bind it off , didn't finish it completely as I thought it was a bit short, and wanted him to try it on first. Hopefully I will catch up with him tomorrow to finish the job.

The drop stitch shawl is going well , but with nearly 40 more stitches to increase, I'm already having trouble fitting the wraps on the needles. I have started a very basic garter stitch scarf for my husband in Moda Vera Flirt (black/silver) , it is soooo soft. Think I will do gauntlets to match it , and the cable beanie.

Spotlight Knitting party on Saturday, just have to decide which store to go to, yes I am spoilt, I have two within a fairly short distance from home.

Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Sad Few Days

We attended my husband's Grandma's funeral yesterday, it wasn't sudden really, she was blind and not really with us anymore. A stroke took her took her in the end. She was a lovely lady, when I first met my husband Christmas' were always at her house. Seems when her health began to fail the family seemed to fragment as well. It was a lovely service and the day went well all in all.

This morning Marty went back to his breeder to find a happier life, so more tears were shed when the Jet Pets man arrived, but Marty took to him straight away so was happy to go. He got to stay inside with us last night after his bath, he was a different dog, so happy to have all our attention and not share it with anybody else. Made it harder to let go, but concreted in our minds, that he really needs a home with people around all the time that he doesn't have to share with any other dogs.

On a happier note, got to Spotlight on Monday , 20% off the already on sale yarns. Picked up some Moda Vera Luxury (purple mist), a mohair blend for a shawl. Loved the drop stitch of my last scarf. So the shawl is being done the same and well under way. Would take a pic but light is dreary day and night at the moment , and dark shades just don't come up well.

I have had lots of lovely comments on my drop stitch scarf at work , which is really nice. Some ladies wanting to know how to knit it. Pity I was in such a straight state this morning, left one of the needles behind and we couldn't really find a substitute for a long 7.5mm needle to demo on my shawl. Have to get it right for tomorrow, as is my last week of this temp assignment.
Must get back onto the cable beanie as well.

Sunday, 24 June 2007

I'm 40

What a lovely day I had yesterday. My Husband and Daughter had secretly planned a surprise party. Lots of goods friends turned up, one driving from interstate with a friend and 3 littlelees, an awesome effort. All the friends I don't see often enough, even though they don't live that far away. My husband may not do much too on birthday occasions usually, but when he does he does it well.

Here are a few of my gifts, the yarn is dark purple (my favourite kind of purple).$50.00 to spend at Spotlight, 20% off tomorrow , good timing but as always when I have a gift voucher I have no idea what I want. Would like to attempt a shawl. The scarf I whipped up from my stash for myself (Moda Vera Jasmin), as I don't have a knitted scarf and being a knitter I thought I'd better change that. It's kind of ugly, but I think I like it. It let me try drop stitch and got me away from the cable beanie. I get a bit thingie , when I have cast on more than 100 stitches, it takes so long to do a row.

A book I bought a few weeks ago, I think I will even make stuff from it. Looks bright & colourful with simple patterns. I went back to the books I received when I was down with the lurgy. I like this from "Yarns to Dye For".

Tuesday, 19 June 2007

A Bit Cynical

Good news of the fine front , have to supply a copy of a bill showing I was living here in February. They sent the Jury duty notice to my old address which I changed with the electoral office about 18 months ago. Nice to know they use up to date information for these things. But I suppose it keeps people in jobs sending out these fines and taking all the calls.

My interview went well today , but as I feared I would probably love the job, but the wage is what I earned ten years ago, and would make things a real struggle , definitely no money for yarn... Humpf. Find out tomorrow if I get an offer.

Have to start attempting to crochet a bun cover , my daughter has exam class for dancing in August and too much hair for a bought bun cover. Does anyone know a good simple pattern?
Found this, thought bigger yarn and hook might make bigger size, seems logical to me. Can only but try.

Thanks Mandie for you comment on my last post , it is appreciated.

Monday, 18 June 2007

Not The Best Of Days

Today after many months of knowing it had to be done, we called the breeder of our young Toller dog , to tell her it isn't working out for him with us. It has become a very stressful situation with him being very aggressive towards our other dogs. We wish we could put in down to jealously or food, but haven't been able to make any sense of it. Other than he just needs to be with people all the time, and gets frustrated if that's not the way things are. Being a working couple we obviously can't do that. She is happy to take him back and see what she can make of it. (this is what caring responsible breeders do). She has a waiting list , so maybe someone out there can give him what he needs, as he is quite a sweet fellow really. We feel we have failed him badly, but if we can give a chance of a happier life it has to be the right thing to do.

Oh and the other thing , came home to a $1700.00 fine for not turning up jury duty back in February. Nice surprise as this is the first I had heard of it. If I had known would have been there just for the money, if nothing else, as I wasn't working then. Not in the mood to knit.

Sunday, 17 June 2007

Blue Shoes

I have completed the little blue shoes for my friend's baby Finn.

Thinking about hats for his sisters now. I also have an order for another jet beanie from the young guy at work. But I'm thinking I may see if he likes one with cables , as that will make me try them at last , and I have a ball of yarn in my stash that maybe just right. Only have two weeks left at that position, so will have to get onto it.

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

I Passed

Got my results of my last 4 Tafe modules, passed them all, and even got a distinction for one , although only just passed another. But it's all over.

Had a job interview yesterday and have been called back for a second interview next week, I really think I would like the job, but have no idea of the wage, so could all fall over if the pay isn't sufficient.

Have had to start knitting some more baby shoes as I have a friend who has had a baby boy, after 2 girls. She is so appreciative of my knitted gifts. So it's blue shoes on the needles. I am so tempted to use the yarn from the Sock Slipper thingees , in the same pattern to see if it comes out in an adult size. I have a million things running through my head I want to knit. Need to PRIORITISE

I love my Patonyle socks, they keep my feet so nice and warm, but never too hot. They are felting quite a bit on the sole though, hope this isn't a sign they won't wear well. I am very careful to gently hand wash them. Must make more so I have happy feet more than once a week. Want to try toe up next time.

Sunday, 10 June 2007


My TAFE course that is, with 3 days to spare and even some housework done. What a relief :-)))
I believe this blogging thing has encouraged me to complete things.

I can think about a bigger knitting project now. Not before giving my husband some time, as he has been badly neglected of late , and has not complained. So I'm off to give a certain somebody a hug.

Friday, 8 June 2007

Time Running Out

I have 5 days to complete my TAFE course, two more assessments to do. So dispite the excellent knitting weather (extremely wet, cold & windy here on the east coast of Aust) I will still be studying. Thank goodness for the long weekend, if I apply myself who knows.

The beanie was received well , perfect weather for it just now.

I think I'm over my temp position. Talking to a customer today , I was meaning to say "if you require any further information please don't hesitate to call" but instead it nearly came out as "please don't bother" . Hopefully I caught myself in time for them not to notice the "bo" on the beginning of "hesitate". I have no idea where it came from but I was in hysterics when I got off the phone. Nothing like a hearty laugh on a Friday afternoon.

I have two job inteviews next week, hopefully something good will come from them.

Wednesday, 6 June 2007


The Patons Jet beanie finally made it in the post yesterday. Here's a pic of the completed item.
Back to study

Thursday, 31 May 2007

Slipper Sock Thingee

Been trying to find something to make with this yarn for a while. Attempted slippers from Simply Knitting but part of the pattern was missing at the time, and the pieces looked very small with this yarn substituted into the pattern. I have downloaded the correction but cannot really be bothered with it now.
So have started a basic sock pattern with 28 stitches on 6mm dpns. I have started in double rib and think I will continue with it to the heel. As the sock appears a bit big, thought I might go down in needle size for the ankle, and see what happens after that. This is keeping me amused on the train (when I get a seat), still studying hard. If this works out I have leather elbow patches to use on the soles, so socks will become slippers. It will just be a fight between my daughter and I who gets to wear them.

Sunday, 27 May 2007

Just Quickly

I have completed another beanie in Patons Jet this time as the size looks Ok.
Busy trying to study, and have to organise prizes for the next Schipperke Association
Show , being the tropy steward and it's next Sunday. What's a Schipperke - look to the right and note "the Nibbler" alias Wispaway Jiminy Cricket. Mostly known as Jim or Jimmy. The nibbler comes from when he's happy he likes to nibble really fast and soft. And yes the inspiration on what to call my blog. Won't be knitting him anything though, he's small but definitely not a lap dog type. He grows a lovely thick undercoat in winter. Schipps are known as the littlest shepherds and take their guarding duties very seriously. Also known as Belgian Barge dogs , as Belgian merchants used them for guarding and rodent catching on their barges in 1700's.
Oh they are usually great big sooks, who love a tummy scratch.

Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Friday, 18 May 2007

Got by the Lurgy

The lurgy hit hard this week, and and then realised I have only 3 weeks to complete my Finance Certificate - Mortgage Broking , which is hard as I've decided this is not the career path I now wish to follow. But having paid lots of money to do it, and not wanting to waste it and having completed over half the course, will slog it out, no matter how boring. So it will be needles down for a while, well I'll try.

Tried to make some fingerless gloves , but am a bit bamboozled by the casting on of two stitches each finger and having to knit them up on the next finger, will have to do some surfing or see if Mum knows.

Sunday, 13 May 2007

Bad Fairy Godmother

I've been bad , missed my Godson's birthday. Didn't forget just got my dates mixed up thinking it was next week. (should check the birthday book when I think of it). It was last Friday, fortunately he is only 3 and in Melbourne, so it wasn' like he was expecting me to come over or anything. One of my planned beanies was for him and planned to start this weekend. I have to work in acrylic as his father has an allergy to wool. Had a nice soft 14 ply in the stash, so got started yesteday and kept going till finished, despite my body complaining of viral aches & pains.
Thank goodness for Ibropofen..........but it's huge , fits my husband's 60cm head with ease and he said it looked like teacosy:-/ Well I will expect him to wear, it will be lovely and warm. Pic won't upload.

Thinking fingerless mitts

Wednesday, 9 May 2007

And now there are two.

The second sock is finished and I am hoping to be able to wear them tomorrow , as it's going to be nice and cool. Now working on a couple of beanies for relatives in Patons Jet. Then I think I'll make myself a scarf. I have been checking out Ebay, bought some more circs , so I can try 2 socks at once.

Taught a friend to knit the other week, she has got right into it. Might be the artist within, see I can imagine we'll see at lot of freestyle things happening. This has inspired her Mum in Law to pull out the needles from hiding after years. So now she'll have
an expert teacher.

Sunday, 29 April 2007


Completed two scarves, one each for my daughter's Godmothers for Mother's Day.The first is in Moda Dea Wild , very soft and stretchy, unfortunately the colour does not show up well in the photo, in real life the greens are prodominent, very deep & rich emerald. The second Panda Rumba , a mohair blend , not so soft but I love the autumnal colours, should go well with red hair

Wednesday, 25 April 2007


Finished a sock - well just about

Stayed up last night till after 1am determined to finish one of my Shazza's socks. Grafted the toe, but wasn't happy with it. So have unpicked it. But here it is above.

And here are the promised pictures from my first post.

Helmet & Booties from Paragon Knitting Book no. 31. I find the intructions in these old books easier to follow and the patterns more practicle.

My first socks, cheap 8ply acrylic on 5 3.25mm dpn. pattern from
My daughter is using them as bed socks.

Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Knitting on the Train

It's great how knitting can break the ice. Quite often ladies will ask about what I'm doing and share some of their knitting experiences. Or it just may be a warm smile.

I've deliberately sat next to a lady who was knitting a sock (when I was still procrastinating) and grilled her about the procedure. If not for knitting I would never have spoken to her. Hope she didn't mind the interruption - I don't think so .

Tuesday, 17 April 2007

First Post


I have caught the Blog Bug whilst experiencing a period of non employment.
Reading numerous knitting blogs to pass the time, learn new things, keep my mind off the situation and avoid the temptation of expanding my stash therapy. Love all the hand dyed yarn out there.

I have recently finished my 1st pair of socks on 5dpns, and can't wait to try other methods. I procrastinated over attempting socks for about 12 months, don't know why now. I am also working on a couple of scarves from yarn in my stash.
Other than that recent projects have been baby shoes & a bonnet. Pics to follow.

I would really like to try spinning and yarn dyeing. I have my Mum's old dutch wheel decorating my loungeroom and Mum next door, so just need to make time. There are a couple skeins of natural coloured wool in my stash that Mum spun about 20 years ago, I think I hear calling out for colour.

I have managed to get a 3 month temporary role, so hopefully now can concentrate better on more knitting projects, even though I will have less time.